Possibilidades e desafios para inserção da geração eólica offshore no Brasil

Conteúdo do artigo principal

William Hornburg Santestevan
Drielli Peyerl
Carla de Abre D'Aquino


A Zona Econômica Exclusiva Brasileira é um ambiente único e apresenta uma velocidade média de vento maior do que a das áreas continentais brasileiras, tornando-se um local interessante para a geração de eletricidade. No Brasil, a geração eólica já é bem conhecida, sendo uma importante fonte na matriz elétrica, contudo ainda não há nenhum gerador eólico no mar. O potencial de geração eólica na plataforma continental brasileira já foi analisado, mas antes que comece a ser explorado são necessários estudos para regular a atividade, uma vez que a implantação de turbinas eólicas no mar pode gerar conflitos com outros aspectos, como pesca, transporte, defesa, turismo e meio ambiente. Assim, o presente trabalho utilizou a análise bibliométrica e revisão sistemática para compreender a situação atual da energia eólica offshore no Brasil e no mundo. Uma análise SWOT foi realizada a fim de determinar os pontos de interesse desta tecnologia. Como resultado, verificou-se que a geração eólica offshore no Brasil tem baixa prioridade, principalmente devido ao domínio de outras fontes de energia.

Detalhes do Artigo

Biografia do Autor

Drielli Peyerl, Universidade de São Paulo

She graduated in History - Bachelor degree (2007) and Geography - Graduation (2012) both from the State University of Ponta Grossa. She concluded her master's degree in Territory Management - Geography, in 2010, also at the State University of Ponta Grossa, with the theme of the dissertation: The intellectual trajectory of paleontologist Frederico Waldemar Lange (1911-1988) and the History of Geosciences. PhD in Sciences from the State University of Campinas in 2014, with the theme related to Petroleum in Brazil between 1864 and 1968. She worked as a Visiting Professor / Researcher at Oklahoma State University, United States, between August 2015 and July 2016 (Scholar BEPE / FAPESP), teaching as a guest in the history of Energy History. From July 2014 to June 2017, she did a post-doctorate at the Department of Scientific and Technological Policy at Unicamp (FAPESP Scholarship). During September and November 2017, she worked as a Residential fellow at Linda Hall Library (United States), developing the Cornucopia: The Hunger for Energy Resources in South America project, with an emphasis on Energy History. During that same period, she served as a Visiting Professor in the field of Energy History at the University of Missouri / Kansas City. In, 2018, she was appointed and elected board member of the United States Petroleum History Institute. In 2018, she completed her second post-doctorate at the Scientific Division of Management, Environmental Science and Technology, Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, working with the theme of energy transition. Currently, she is a Young Researcher / Researcher Collaborator at the Institute of Energy and Environment, Research Center for Gas Innovation, University of São Paulo, coordinating the project called Transitions in the History of Energy: development and new perspectives on natural gas in Brazil, financed by São Paulo Research Support Foundation (FAPESP - Process 2017 / 18208-8 and 2018 / 26388-9). She has worked on the themes of Energy Transition, History of Energy and Technology, Science and Technology Studies, and Decarbonization of the transport and electrical sectors.